Pendahuluan :
"Judul postingan ini memang benar yang #5. Sebenarnya sebelum ini saya ada pemotretan pre-wedding yang #4 tetapi file foto tersebut masih di tempat kerja dan belum saya ambil ke rumah. Sehingga saya belum bisa upload portofolio pemotretan pre-wedding yang #4."
"The title of this post is indeed true that # 5. Actually before this I had a pre-wedding photo shoot the # 4 but the photo files are still at work and I have not taken to the house. So I have not been able to upload a portfolio of pre-wedding photo shoot the # 4 ."]
"The title of this post is indeed true that # 5. Actually before this I had a pre-wedding photo shoot the # 4 but the photo files are still at work and I have not taken to the house. So I have not been able to upload a portfolio of pre-wedding photo shoot the # 4 ."]
Setelah satu bulan setelah pre-wedding #4 tidak menerima permintaan dari klien untuk pemotretan pre-wedding, 5 hari setelah hari raya Idul Fitri Lembayung Photography kembali mendapat deal permintaan pre-wedding .
Kali ini fotogafer 1 di kantorku tidak bisa ikut memotret karena dia ada keperluan keluarga di luar kota . Sehingga kali ini hanya aku dan bosku saja yang memotret .
Dan aku ditunjuk untuk menjadi fotografer 1 kali ini, sedangkan bosku lebih menjadi pengarah pose selagi ikut memotret .
Dengan pengalaman 4 kali memotret pre-wedding, aku mulai berani mengarahkan pose dan memilih tempat yang bagus sebagai background .
[After one month after the pre-wedding # 4 does not accept requests from clients for pre-wedding photo shoot, 5 days after Idul Fitri Lembayung Photography back to get a deal pre-wedding request.
This time fotogafer 1 in my office could not participate taking pictures because he was go with the family outside the city. So this time just me and my boss just a photograph.
And I was appointed to become a photographer 1 this time, while my boss is more of a steering pose while participate taking pictures.
With the experience 4 times pre-wedding photographs, I began to dare to direct the poses and choose a nice place as a background.]
This time fotogafer 1 in my office could not participate taking pictures because he was go with the family outside the city. So this time just me and my boss just a photograph.
And I was appointed to become a photographer 1 this time, while my boss is more of a steering pose while participate taking pictures.
With the experience 4 times pre-wedding photographs, I began to dare to direct the poses and choose a nice place as a background.]
and here it is...
Location : Fort Vredeburg
Bride : Farah & Teddy
Bride : Farah & Teddy
photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono (with Lembayung Photography) @2010
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