This blog contains a portfolio of our work and also a variety of stories that accompany our journey in making the work .. Essentially, all the stories about my journey of photography is here ..

Thank you for visiting .. ;)

28 September 2010

Malioboro Festival 2010 - Day 1

Aku beruntung tidak salah memilih perusahaan untuk aku jadikan tempat Praktek Industri (PI).
Karena hanya selang seminggu kemudian setelah pre-wedding keduaku, Lembayung Photography kembali mendapat order dari EO yang bekerja sama dengan Dinas Pariwisata Yogyakarta untuk mendokumentasikan Festival Malioboro 2010 yang diadakan selama 2 hari, tanggal 31 Juli & 1 Agustus 2010 . Dan aku ditunjuk untuk ikut mendokumentasikan acara ini bersama dengan bosku dan 1 videografer lainnya ..
Ini adalah tantangan tersendiri bagiku, karena aku belum pernah memotret seperti acara ini sebelumnya . Apalagi pada saat itu, lensa yang aku pakai mengalami kerusakan pada motor autofokusnya . Otomatis aku tidak bisa memakai mode autofokus dan aku diharuskan memotret segala kegiatan yang penuh gerakan ini hanya dengan manual fokus ..
Tapi demi profesionalitas, aku jawab tantangan itu .

[I was lucky no one chose the company to leave its Industrial Practice I.

Because only a week later after a lapse of my second pre-wedding photo shoot, Lembayung Photography again received orders from the EO is working with the Department of Tourism Yogyakarta to document the 2010 Malioboro Festival was held over 2 days, 31 July & 1 August 2010. And I was appointed to participate in documenting this event along with my boss and one other videographer ..

It is a challenge for me, because I have never been photographed like this before. Especially at the time, lens which I use were damaged in it's autofocus motor . Automaticly, I can't use autofocus mode and I'm required to fully capture all the activities that this movement only with manual focus ..

But for the sake of professionalism, I answered the challenge.]
and these are the results...


photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono (with Lembayung Photography) @2010

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