Saat aku ikut dengan ayahku pergi ke pabrik "Bedog" Resto, aku hanya menganggur tanpa ada kegiatan sama sekali selama menunggu ayahku selesai dengan acaranya .
Hanya kebosanan yang menemani .
Entah kenapa beberapa saat kemudian aku bermain dengan kameraku, dan aku baru sadar bahwa ternyata di sekitar tempat ini bayak sekali hal-hal menarik untuk dipotret .
Aku teruskan saja keisenganku ini .
Dan jadilah galeri yang aku beri judul : "Keisenganku Siang Itu.." :P
[When I went with my father went to the factory "Bedog" Resto, I'm just idle without any activity at all while waiting for my father was finished with his show.
Only boredom that accompany.
Somehow moments later I was playing with my camera, and I realized that turns around this place very stout interesting things to photograph.
I go ahead this fad.
And be the gallery that I gave the title: "My Fad That Afternoon .." : P ]
and here it is...
"Stones.." |
"Shell.." |
"Whites.." |
"Clam.." |
"Reflections.." |
"Green Bone.." |
"Lizard Hunting.." |
"A Glass of Tea.." |
"Yin-Yang..." |
"Waterdrop.." |
"Cottage.." |
"Unripe Fruit.." |
"Purplish Bokeh.." |
"On The Line.." |
"Stones (2).." |
"Spiral.." |
"Skies In Infrared B&W.." |
"Lines.." |
"Reflection On Cellphone.." |
"Roots Dry Roots.." |
"Brand of My 'Guns'.." |
"Skies so blue.." |
I hope you don't hate with my fad .. :)
Thanks for visiting .
photograph by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono @2010
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