On a sunny afternoon, I walked the riverside. Looking for a good thing to be photographed ..
After quite a while photographing the river, I'm taking a break in the rocks there on the riverbank.
And it turns out I actually find that quite beautiful animals to be photographed. the golden frog (of course only the color that I mean, lol). and unique frog is very friendly, because I was able to shoot at MFD of my lens (EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM) which is about 38cm @ 70mm without making it out of me.
So, I very freely take pictures ..
Here's some photos ...
Here's some photos ...
"Standby Position.."
Av : f/2.8 | Tv : 1/180sec | ISO : 100
"The Eye of The Frog.."
Av : f/8 | Tv : 1/15sec | ISO : 100
"The Frog In Portrait.."
Av : f/3.5 | Tv : 1/90sec | ISO : 100
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D
Lens : Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM
[photos are taken with RAW format and processed with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3]
Photograph By : Bachtiar Firgiawan @2011