This blog contains a portfolio of our work and also a variety of stories that accompany our journey in making the work .. Essentially, all the stories about my journey of photography is here ..

Thank you for visiting .. ;)

17 Januari 2011

The Legendary Lens, EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM

On Thursday, 14 January 2011 I recently bought a new lens.
I bought this lens about $1,340 ( Rp 12.150.000,- ) .
Previously, I've seen a lot of reviews about this lens. And the overall result said "This is an excellent lens".
And it's true!
This lens is totally excellent in sharpness, build quality, speed, aperture and others.
So, I can say this lens is THE BEST CANON STANDARD ZOOM LENS avalaible.
And the good news are.....this lens is mine! hahahaa :p

What a beautiful lens, isn't it? :)

And these are some pictures when I tried this superior lens for the first time ..

All photos taken with Canon EOS 1000D with EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM

photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono

10 Januari 2011

Merapi Volcano Reports : part III ( 10 January 2011 )

Hingga berganti tahun, dampak erupsi Merapi tak juga kunjung mereda.
Kini, banjir lahar dingin menjadi momok para penduduk yang tinggal di sekitar sungai yang menjadi jalur turunnya lahar dingin dari Merapi.
Seperti yang menimpa di Dusun Salakan, Jetis, Glagah, Sirahan dan Gemampang.
Semua masuk Desa Sirahan, Kec. Salam, Kab. Magelang.
Dampak fisik dari banjir lahar dingin ini berupa rusaknya rumah-rumah penduduk desa, dan sarana - prasarana lain di sekitar desa ini.
Kejadian ini berlangsung pada hari Minggu (9/1) sekitar bakda maghrib.
Korban sementara 1 orang meninggal dunia.

Berikut ini foto-foto keadaan desa tersebut saat disurvey (10/1)