This blog contains a portfolio of our work and also a variety of stories that accompany our journey in making the work .. Essentially, all the stories about my journey of photography is here ..

Thank you for visiting .. ;)

14 Desember 2010

Merapi Volcano Reports : part II ( 13 December 2010 )

Selang 5 hari setelah dokumentasi di Kali Gendol dan sekitarnya (8/12), saya kembali ikut mensurvey keadaan daerah bencana Merapi bersama ayah saya di dusun Kepuharjo, kec. Cangkringan, Sleman.
Pada awalnya kami berencana mendata penduduk yang menjadi korban dengan mengambil data beserta foto rumah mereka.
Namun kita tidak mendapat foto rumah penduduk satupun, karena seluruh kampung luluh lantak diterjang lahar panas.
Ya, benar. Seluruh kampung.
Foto-foto berikut ini adalah hamparan pasir dan bebatuan vulkanik yang tadinya adalah sebuah pemukiman penduduk.

[ Within 5 days after the documentation on Kali Gendol and surroundings (8 / 12), I re-joined the Merapi disaster areas to survey the situation with my father in Kepuharjo village, Kec. Cangkringan, Sleman.

At first we planned to record a population who are victims by collecting data and photographs of their homes.

But we do not get any photos of houses, because the entire village destroyed, hit by hot lava.

Yeah, right. The entire village.

The photos here are sand and volcanic rocks which had formerly been a human settlement. ]







Lokasi : Desa Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman.

photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono @2010

13 Desember 2010

Merapi Volcano Reports ( 8 December 2010 )

Tanggal 5 November yang lalu, wilayah kotaku telah dilanda bencana alam berupa erupsi gunung berapi.
Memang, aku sudah tahu bahwa keadaan di sekitar gunung rusak parah.
Tetapi aku tidak mengetahui bahwa ternyata kenyataan lebih buruk dari yang aku bayangkan. Bahkan bisa bisa dibilang justru sama sekali tidak terlintas di pikiranku.
Dan inilah sedikit foto dokumentasi keadaan kali Gendol dan sekitarnya (jalur lahar panas Gunung Merapi).

[ November 5th ago, my city region has been hit by natural disasters in the form of volcanic eruptions.

Indeed, I already know that the circumstances surrounding the volcano were severely damaged.

But I do not know that the reality was worse than I imagined. It could even be spelled out precisely nothing crossed my mind.

And here's a little photo documentation of circumstances and surroundings Gendol river (hot lava of Merapi Volcano). ]

Lokasi : Kali Gendol (Cangkringan)

photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono @2010

22 November 2010

Have Fun With Mantis...

In the sunny morning, i met my new buddy.. He's Mantis .
so i'm taking pictures with him and i upload them in this mini album .
although i'm not using true macro lens, i tried the best .

here it is...

camera : Canon EOS 1000D
lens : EF-S 18-55mm IS

post processing with :
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 for color correction ,
Adobe Photoshop CS5 for watermark .

thanks for visiting :)
photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono @2010

6 November 2010


Hmm,, ada yang sedikit terlupa untuk dibagikan..
Saat itu tanggal 25 April, para anggota Shogun Photography Teamwork berencana untuk hunting sesi foto yang akan diikutkan pada lomba foto di UPN.
Lomba ini bertema "Education".
Jadi kami berdandan dengan seragam sekolah pada hari itu, padahal hari itu adalah hari Minggu yaitu hari libur bagi sekolah-sekolah.
Tapi justru inilah yang membuat kenangan hari itu tidak mudah untuk dilupakan.
Walaupun pada akhirnya lomba dibatalkan karena kekurangan peserta dan cukup kecewa pada saat itu, tetapi kami sudah cukup senang karena kami masih bisa berkarya bersama saat itu.. :)

[Hmm, there is a little oblivious to share ..

It was dated April 25, members of the Shogun Photography Teamwork hunting plans for the photo session will be included in the photo contest on UPN.

The competition was themed "Education".

So we dress up in a school uniform that day, but that day is Sunday is a holiday for schools.

But it is precisely this that makes it memorable day not easily forgotten.

Although in the end the competition was canceled due to lack of participants and quite disappointed at the time, but we're quite pleased because we can still work together at that time .. :) ]

"Laptop Tembus Desa.."

"Apapun Kendalanya, Sekolah Tetap Yang Utama.."

"Education In Vain.."

"Keep Study Anywhere.."

"Tetap Belajar Meski Dalam Keterbatasan.."

Personel :
-Bachtiar Firgiawan Wahono-
-Dika Ismawan-
-Leonita Agustina-
-Afraza Dafiq M.-
-Ihsan Abi Rizal-

Location :
- Sewon
- Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
- Halte TransJogja
- Rumah Ihsan Abi Rizal

photographs by : Bachtiar Firgiawan